Mastering Self-Control: The Key to Athletic Success
Brooke Fuller Brooke Fuller

Mastering Self-Control: The Key to Athletic Success

To set themselves up to perform at their best, athletes must consistently train, make healthy choices, and get adequate rest and recovery time. They must regulate their thoughts, emotions, and actions as they work toward their goals. Self-control plays a big role in all of this.

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Understanding Mental Toughness and Resilience in Sports
Brooke Fuller Brooke Fuller

Understanding Mental Toughness and Resilience in Sports

Resilience comes from the Latin word resilio which means to return to an earlier state. Historically, the word was used by sciences to refer to the elasticity of certain materials. Hence the suggestion that resilience is the ability of people to overcome the challenges they are exposed to by developing ways to cope with adversity.

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Embracing the Power of Imagery in Sports
Brooke Fuller Brooke Fuller

Embracing the Power of Imagery in Sports

Although some might refer to imagery as visualization, the two practices are different. Visualization is picturing yourself doing something; imagery is not limited to the visual sense, but instead brings in a more vivid image by tapping into all of one’s senses.

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Beyond the Game: Nurturing a Healthy Athletic Identity
Brooke Fuller Brooke Fuller

Beyond the Game: Nurturing a Healthy Athletic Identity

Athletic identity refers to the extent to which people in sports identify with and accept their athletic role. Although athletic identities are an important factor of one's self-concept, it can also pose risks. Some athletes see their sport as a game they play, while some see their sport as who they are

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The Impact of Self-Talk in Athletic Performance
Brooke Fuller Brooke Fuller

The Impact of Self-Talk in Athletic Performance

As with any other mental skill, it is important that self-talk be practiced and utilized strategically. Building self-talk into a routine would lead to a greater likelihood of enhanced performance. Developing awareness, using thought stoppage to prevent ironic errors, and implementing motivational or instructional self-talk will help an athlete maintain focus and the ability to think right.

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Goal Mastery: The Art of Setting and Achieving Athletic Objectives
Brooke Fuller Brooke Fuller

Goal Mastery: The Art of Setting and Achieving Athletic Objectives

Goals. You may have them. You may talk about them. You may even be motivated to go after them from time to time...BUT are you using them in a way that drives your success? Goals give athletes direction, help maintain motivation, and allow them to accomplish dreams they may have never expected. People often set goals, but the problem is that they may not set goals that provide them with direction and motivation.

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