The Sport Mindset Lab:
Sport Psychology Resources

What Is the Sport Mindset Lab?

Go from frustrated and stuck to mentally equipped with our sports psychology program and mental training for athletes. Within this course, you will receive 10 videos, 21 printable worksheets (both individual worksheets and a combined workbook of all the worksheets) for you to practice each mental skill, and a transcript of each video for those who prefer to read along with the audio. Each video provides a brief explanation of skill and how to implement it into your performance. 

Sport Psychology Techniques You’ll Learn

  • Creating or recreating vivid images in your mind can activate neural pathways that is able to enhance confidence, decrease anxiety, and increase focus.

  • Let it be known, despite many of our desires, we are not in control of everything. Learn how to draw awareness to the controllables and focus on these!

  • Errors and setbacks will happen, but what will you do when they arise? Learn how to let go and bounce back more quickly.

  • A simple technique to help you stay in the present moment.

  • Draw awareness to your optimal level of arousal and emotions. This section focuses on awareness as well as energization and relaxation techniques.

  • Learn how attention shifts and how to practice maintaining concentration when faced with distractions.

  • Learn ways to combat negative self talk and enhance confidence. "Don't let your worst enemy live between your own two ears." -Laird Hamilton

Ready to Enhance Your Mental Game?

If you have questions, please feel free to reach out!