Free Resources

As athletes we want both of these skills in our performance domains, but sometimes it's unclear of how to actually enhance these. This resource provides some tangible steps to become more mentally tough and motivated. Click above to download.

A simple tool to help you stay present when the pressure is on. Use this during pre-game routines, in the midst of a long performance, or in day to day life to stay in the moment. Click above to download.

A guide to draw awareness to strengths and weaknesses prior to goal setting, education on the different types of goals and how to get specific, and a step by step tool to begin developing goals and action steps, identifying possible roadblocks, and creating plans to address those from the beginning. click above to download.

Gratitude is the act of giving thanks and can be a way to enhance resilience. Learn how to become more intentional in looking at the positive and appreciating what you have with this simple worksheet that focuses on gratitude.